Rival Schools: United by Fate - A Unique Tag-Team Fighter on PSX


In the realm of fighting games, few have managed to stand out with a blend of engaging story, innovative mechanics, and a memorable cast. “Rival Schools: United by Fate,” originally released for arcades in 1997 and ported to the PlayStation in 1998 by Capcom, is one such game that has left a lasting impression on fans and the genre alike.

The Story: Set in the fictional Japanese city of Aoharu, “Rival Schools” introduces us to a series of mysterious attacks on local schools1. Students and staff are being kidnapped, and it’s up to a diverse group of high school students and teachers to uncover the truth behind these incidents. The narrative unfolds with each battle, drawing players into a world of teenage angst, camaraderie, and martial arts mayhem.

Game Mechanics: “Rival Schools” is a 3D fighting game that borrows elements from Capcom’s successful “Marvel vs. Capcom” series but stands out with its unique mechanics. Players select a team of two characters and engage in one-on-one battles, with the ability to call in their partner for a ‘Team Up’ attack when they have enough 'vigor’. The game features a four-button control setup, universal launchers for air combos, and defensive techniques like Tardy Counters and Attack Cancels, adding depth to the combat system.

Characters: The game boasts a roster of characters that represent various high school archetypes, each with their own fighting style and backstory. From Shoma, the hot-headed baseball player, to Roy, the American exchange student, the cast is as diverse as it is vibrant. These characters aren’t just fighters; they’re representations of the high school experience, complete with dreams, rivalries, and a desire to protect their friends. Everyone should find some character they really like, for example i played alot as Akira (motorcycle rider in helmet with skull or later alt costume without helmet) and Hayato (cocky and awesome gym teacher with wooden stick sword).

Tag System Uniqueness: What truly sets “Rival Schools” apart is its tag system. Unlike traditional tag fighters where characters can switch freely, here the partner is mainly involved in ‘Team Up’ attacks. This system emphasizes strategic use of the partner, as ‘Team Up’ attacks can turn the tide of battle with powerful combos or even heal the main character. It’s a mechanic that encourages players to think about the synergy between characters and when to best utilize their partner’s abilities.

Conclusion: “Rival Schools: United by Fate” is a gem in the fighting game community, cherished for its unique take on the tag-team format, its engaging story, and its endearing characters. It’s a game that didn’t just follow the trends of its time but dared to create something new, leaving a legacy that can still be felt in the genre today.

I hope this article captures the essence of “Rival Schools” and why it remains a beloved title among fighting game enthusiasts. Thanks Capcom!


  1. Gosh I love playing this game. It was so fun to play. Fighting mechanics is fun and addictive too!


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